I cannot believe that this day is finally here!
I've been running Chibi Chi Designs for almost 8 years now, and it has been a dream to own a website for about 4 of them. I've always loved being on Etsy and over the years I've branched out to Amazon Handmade, Folksy and even The British Craft House and although I love each and every platform, I personally believe that having your own website should be a goal for every creative business owner.
I'd convinced myself that starting my own website was going to be too hard, too expensive and too time-consuming so kept pushing the plan on. This year when Covid hit, like many I was forced to make changes to my regular income. In my trained profession I am a Dental Nurse and have my own Dental Staffing agency. Sadly I've had to close up my doors until things are more settled and it's meant that I have had to think big for Chibi Chi Designs.
I know that my items are awesome. I've made and sent almost 10,000 of them out over the years! Now it's time to bring Chibi Chi Designs to its own platform and to start building a community for all my fans.
Thank you so much for joining me and I can't wait to start this journey together.